Privacy Policy

Data Security and Protection

Last update: September 10, 2024


  • The Publisher: ASYSTOM SAS
  • The Website: All websites, Internet pages, and online services offered by the Publisher.
  • The User: Any person using the Website and associated services.

Types of Data Collected

The Publisher collects the following categories of data:

  • Professional data (company, job title, email, etc.)
  • Connection data (IP addresses, event logs)

Purpose of Processing

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Customer management (contracts, orders, invoicing, accounting)
  • Customer relationship management (satisfaction surveys, complaint handling)
  • Managing reviews of our products or services

Legal Basis for Processing

The processing of your data is based on the following legal grounds:

  • Consent: for non-essential cookies and promotional communication.
  • Performance of a contract: order management and customer support.
  • Legal obligation: retention of invoices and other accounting obligations.
  • Legitimate interest: improving services, fraud prevention.

Disclosure of Personal Data

No disclosure to third parties, unless required by law or in the context of a merger/acquisition. In case of a merger, we will inform you in advance, and you may object to the transfer of your data.

We use cookies for:

Statistical purposes: To optimize your user experience (visit frequency, page customization).
Retention period: A maximum of 13 months after placement. You can disable or manage your preferences through our consent banner upon your first visit.

Data Security

We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your data (encryption, regular audits).

User Rights

You have the right to access, rectify, object, restrict, delete, and transfer your data. You can exercise these rights by contacting us at the following address: [Your dedicated GDPR email address]. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

Data Transfer Outside the EU

We do not transfer your personal data outside the European Union. If such a transfer occurs, we will ensure appropriate safeguards are in place (such as Standard Contractual Clauses).

Data Portability

You have the right to obtain your data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format upon request.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

In case of substantial changes, we will notify you and seek your consent if required.


For any questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us via our contact page or by mail at the following address: 287, Avenue Jean Fourastié 11400 Castelnaudary, FRANCE